You can use our one-click update feature inside the application to update to the latest version unless there are no “not backwards compatible” or “requires manual update” like points mentioned in the latest version on the version log.

In case “not backwards compatible” or “requires manual update” like points are mentioned, then you can either update manually after downloading the latest update or you can contact our support team.

If you have active support for the script then the support team will update your existing installed script to the latest version for free of charge.

Usually these are the steps we follow:

Upload the updater zip files to "/var/www" directory

  • Replace '' with your installation url
  • Replace 'connectdb' with your database name
# Create Backups directory
mkdir /var/www/backups

# Take backup of the files before doing anything
cd /var/www/backups
zip -r ../

# Take database backup too, replace
mysqldump -u root -p connectdb > /var/www/backups/connectdb_20240310.sql

# Go to your installation directory
cd /var/www/

# Put the application on maintenance mode
php artisan down --secret=password

# Move the file to the installation directory
mv /var/www/connect*.zip /var/www/

# Extract it and overwrite existing files and directories
unzip -o connect*.zip

# Remove file
rm connect*.zip

# If extracted files are inside a directory then move it to the installation directory
cp -r connect-*/* ./

# Double checking some things
touch storage/logs/laravel.log
php artisan storage:link

# You can change www-data to appropriate user accordingly
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data ../
sudo chmod -R 775 .env
sudo chmod -R 775 storage
sudo chmod -R 775 storage/framework
sudo chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache
sudo chmod -R 775 storage/logs
sudo chmod -R 775 storage/logs/laravel.log

# Migrate new migrations
php artisan migrate

# Change App Version to the new version
nano storage/app/.app

# Clear cache etc.
php artisan optimize:clear

# Deactivate the maintenance mode
php artisan up