We also provide Additional Technical Services to help our clients get the product up and running, as paid services.

Service Estimated Duration Cost
Server Setup, Prerequisite and App Installation 1 Day $100
SSL Setup & Configuration 1 Day $50
Signaling Server Setup 1 Day $50
ICE (TURN / STUN) Server Setup 1 Day $50
Janus Media Server Setup 1 Day $50
Signaling, ICE & Janus Setup Package 1 Day $100

We will need a live fresh Ubuntu 20.xx server and it's root SSH Credentials.

We don't provide installation on local machine. You can follow the setup documentation to install on local machine. Make sure all the prerequsites required for the application are fulfilled. If you still face any issues while installing, you can get in touch with the support team.

PayPal transaction charges (6%) will be included.

You can transfer the payment at hi@kodemint.in via PayPal and send the transaction and server details to our email.