Before making any changes, please ensure that you have reviewed all of the product's features.

If you customize the product sourcecode or make changes to the product, the author may be unavailable for support due to support policy. Customization-related errors/bugs or issues are not covered by the support agreement.

Our products are created using the advanced concepts of Laravel, VueJS, and Bootstrap or Tailwind. To customize the product, you must have extensive experience with Laravel, VueJS, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, ViteJS, and NodeJS depending on the product you are customizing. Any changes you make to the vue/js/css files will not take effect until you build the assets with npm commands.

You must have Composer >= 2.x, NodeJS >= 20.x, and NPM >= 8.x installed on your development machine.

You can use the internet to find articles about installing these prerequisites, depending on your operating system.

Once you've installed all of the prerequisites for the product, you can use the following command to serve assets during development. You may need to include SSL certificate information in the vite.config.js file during development.

npm run dev

To build assets for production, run the command below.

npm run prod

Request Customization

We usually charge $30 per hour for customization. If you have a long list of customizations, we will quote a lump sum.

If you want us to hire for any customization, please send us an email at

We usually respond within 24 to 48 working hours.