Before you install this script, please read this article carefully. If you miss this article, the script may not work.
The script requires a top level domain (tld) and wild-card subdomains for installation. Make sure your domain & its wild-card subdomain points to your server IP address. To achieve it, you must create A records for both the domain & its wild-card domain pointing to the server IP address.
The script should also be able to create database on fly as & when required.
As the script is built with Laravel 9, it must meet all of the Laravel 9 prerequisites. Click Here to view the Laravel Framework installation guidelines.
PHP >= 8.1 (for CLI and Web both)
PHP Extensions Required
- OpenSSL
- MBString
- BCMath
- Ctype
- MySQL Native Driver
- GD Image Library
- Zip Archive
- cURL (7.70+ version) (for CLI and Web both)
- Fileinfo
- Tokenizer
- GMP (Required for sending Web Push Notification, added on v1.4)
For Database:
- MySQL >= 8 NOTE: MariaDB is not supported, use MySQL instead of MariaDB!
Additional Server Requirements
- allow_url_fopen enabled
- SSL Installed on the Server
Other Requirements:
- Soketi or Pusher API Credentials
- Signaling Server (by default it uses KodeMint’s Free Signaling Server)
- ICE (STUN / TURN) Server
- Janus Media Server
These are mandatory requirements! You can use a third party or free (if available) service provider for Signaling and ICE Services, or you can have your own Signaling and ICE Servers by setting those up yourself. You can also hire us or someone else to set those up for you. Without Signaling and ICE Server the Script won’t work!
There are some files and directory which need write permission by the script.
- .env file
- storage/framework directory
- storage/logs directory
- bootstrap/cache directory
- lang directory
Also your server should allow the script to create symlink (Symbolic Link). If not, you need to do it manually and create a symlink at public/storage directory for storage/app/public directory.
Or you can also run below command from your terminal to generate symlink:
php artisan storage:link
The server must support Authorization Header & Custom Headers. There are few shared hosting plans which do not support this headers. You may not be able to login in this case.
If you are trying to install it on local machine using WAMP, MAMP or XAMPP, make sure your CURL finds SSL certificate. To know more, click here.
Important: Laravel Framework pre-requisites might change with the release of new version. Pre-requisites of this script 100% depends upon the pre-requisites of Laravel Framework used to develop the script.